"Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth."
-1 John 3:18
Letter to the Women of St. Michael's Parish:
The work of the Church falls into the hands of each one it's members. Different people assume different roles in establishing and maintaing the Church throughout the world. You have chosen perhaps the noblest and most gratifying tasks: that of beautifying and adorning the very sanctuary of God, where Christ lives in the Tabernacle of the Altar. It is Faith that gives our lives meaning and purpose.
Throughout history, women have played a key role in Catholic parish life. Women in the "altar society" see their work as being a special witness to God's ways, a special share in God's mission to bring grace to the world around them. It was an honor, a spiritual tradition they passed on to their daughters. Thousands of women have helped with St. Michael's Altar Society projects over the years.
In the modern day, women are very, very busy. I encourage you to take part in some of the Altar Society events. Not that you have to attend every meeting, but you can be a full-fledged member if you can just help with one or two of the various activities. Whether it's often or occasionally, your participation in the Altar Society activities will help St. Michael's. It will give you a spiritual boost and it gives you a chance to meet some very fine women.
There is a spiritual side to all these endeavors; it's a way of saying "thank you" to God for our many blessings. It's a way of giving something back to God, and he certainly rewards us for every kind act we perform. So I urge you to become involved.
Bernie Altendorf, President
Altar Society Objectives:
- Provide financial support for the church
- Maintain the church basement kitchen
- Provide altar breads
- Maintain and clean vestments and altar linens
The Altar Society provides receptions for funerals, weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. We also serve the annual Bridge Builder's Banquet. The annual Fall Dinner/Bazaar and raffle is our major fund raiser. Our Soup and Pie Supper held in February is also a popular event. We also coordinate monthly and seasonal church cleaning.
"Blue Envelopes"
Several women wanted to be a part of the Altar Society, but did not have time or because of health reasons were unable to take part in its many functions. The first Sunday of each month is designated as Blue Envelope Sunday. The money goes in the Altar Society Fund and is used for the needs of the church sanctuary. We purchase the "altar breads" each month as well as the cleaning of linens and vestments as needed. There are "Blue envelopes" in the brochure racks at the entrances of the church.
Bernie Altendorf
(701) 772-5463